150x Home WOD:
BroGa Yoga Flow
Power Lunch:
EMOM x 20
Sit Ups
Air squats
Rounds 1-4: 4 of each
Rounds 5-8: 5 of each
Rounds 9-12: 6 of each
Rounds 13-16: 7 of each
Rounds 17-20: 8 of each
150x Home WOD:
BroGa Yoga Flow
Power Lunch:
EMOM x 20
Sit Ups
Air squats
Rounds 1-4: 4 of each
Rounds 5-8: 5 of each
Rounds 9-12: 6 of each
Rounds 13-16: 7 of each
Rounds 17-20: 8 of each