Reschedule Meet up at Lincoln Park Track 12pm (noon) tomorrow, Wednesday, for our first PopUp WOD! We’ll practice social distancing but meet at the track to Get After It!

30 Minute AMRAP:

400m Run

25 Hand Release Pushups

50’ Handstand Walk / Bear Crawl

25 Hollow Rocks

Advanced athletes wear (20/14 lb) weight vest

150x Home WOD:

Link here!

Tabata warmup 4:00

Gymnasty Endurance Emom 5

:30 wall facing handstand hold

MetCon- 4 Rounds (18:00) :30 on, :15 off

Jump Squats

Hand release pushups

Seesaw lunge right leg

Seesaw lunge left leg

Wall Walk

Hollow Rocks

Buyout: Tabata Abs