Beach Body Strength
12 Minute EMOM
1) 8 Bench Press @54%+
2) 5-8 Strict/Weighted/Eccentric Pullups
3) :20-30 L Hang
MetCon: 20 Minute EMOM
1) Toes to Bar
2) Row
3) Hand Release Pushups
4) Assault Bike
Work :45 Each Minute
Beach Body Strength
12 Minute EMOM
1) 8 Bench Press @54%+
2) 5-8 Strict/Weighted/Eccentric Pullups
3) :20-30 L Hang
MetCon: 20 Minute EMOM
1) Toes to Bar
2) Row
3) Hand Release Pushups
4) Assault Bike
Work :45 Each Minute