Strict Gymnatics EMOM 6
1) 5 Strict Tempo Pullups
2) 5 Strict Tempo Dips
Pullup Tempo - Fast up, :02 Chin Above Bar, :02 Control Down
Dip Tempo - :02 Hold Lockout, Fast Down, :02 Hold at Chest, Fast Up
Same tempo as last week. Focus on fill range of motion and control.
MetCon - 18 Minutes to Complete:
60 Burpee Plate Hop
60 Ring Rows
60 Ring Dips / HR Pushups
60/45 Calorie Bike or 80/60 Row
[Rx Ring Rows with feet elevated to Parallel. Chest to Rings every rep.]
15 Pushups
20 Decline Shoulder Taps
15-20 L Pulses
Buy out:3 min Handstand Hold