
Truncated Schedule for Labor Day 9am and 10am classes only

Front Squat

0:00-2:00 5@50%

2:00-4:00 4@60%

4:00-6:00 3@70%

6:00-8:00 2@80%

8:00-10:00 1@85%

10:00–12:00 1@90%

12:00-14:00 Heavy Walkout@110% (10 seconds)

14:00-20:00 Heavy Single by Feel. If the grease is hot, cook! But don’t force it. 1RM Test next Monday.


Team of 2 Heavy Fran


Thrusters 135/95

Chest to Bar Pullups

Partner A does 21 thrusters + 21 pullups. Partner B does 21 thrusters + 21 pull-ups while Partner 1 rests. Etc until both have completed 21-15-9 each

Scale thruster weight as needed but should be heavier than normal thruster weight.

15 min cap