MONDAY 1.23.23

Skill: Pistol Squat

Strength - Back Squats - 4 Sets of 6 - 16 minutes

Start at 70% build ot heavy



Alternating Pistol Squats OR High Box Step Ups

Chest to Bar Pull-ups OR Ring Rows

Buyout - Tabata L Sit

TUESDAY 1.24.23

Push Press - 4 Sets of 6 - 12 minutes

Build to Heavy Unbroken Set by Feel

1:30 on, :30 off for 18:00 (3 rounds)

A) Handstand Walk OR Wall Walks

B) Box Jump / Step Overs

C) Row Calories

Buyout: Coach Choice 3:00 Abs


Strength - 4RM Deadlift - 12 Minutes

CrossFit Open 18.3

14 minutes to complete 

2 Rounds for Time or AMRAP

100 Double-Unders OR 200 Singles OR 100 Jumping Jacks

20 Overhead Squats (115/80 lbs) - scale to front squats

100 Double-Unders OR 200 Singles OR 100 Jumping Jacks

12 Muscle-Ups OR 24 Pull-ups/Ring Rows

100 Double-Unders OR 200 Singles OR 100 Jumping Jacks

20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)

100 Double-Unders OR 200 Singles OR 100 Jumping Jacks

12 Muscle-Ups OR 24 Pull-ups/Ring Rows

THURSDAY 1.26.23

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am and 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Strength - Hip Thrust - 4x8 - 12 Min

Build to heavy set of 8


M1) 16-20 Alternating Bicep Curls

M2) 16 DB Hang Reverse Lunges

M3) 16-20 Skull Crushers

M4) Hollow Rocks :45

FRIDAY 1.27.23


25 minutes to complete

5 Rounds for Maximum Reps

Unbroken Bench Press

Unbroken Pull-ups 

Rx: Male use Bodyweight 

Female use 75% bodyweight 

Scale to 60% 1RM bench Press

Please note this is NOT for time. Athletes should partner up based on strength, spot each other on bench, and rest 1-2 minutes between movements to maximize output on unbroken sets.

Buyout - at 26:00 mark

Coach Choice 3 minute Abs

Then clean up and take scores. Then

1 min max calories assault bike

SATURDAY 1.28.23

Teams of 4 - 4:00 Tabata, 1:00 Rest for 30:00

A) Sled Relay & Jump Squats

B) Toes To Bar

C) Assault Bike

D) HSPU OR DB Push Press

E) Row

F) Burpee to Plate