MLK MONDAY 1.16.23
7:30am, 10am, and 12pm classes only
Back Squats - 4 Sets of 8 - 16 minutes
Start at 65% build ot heavy
Teams of 2 - 15 minutes to complete
10 Rounds Relay Style (5 each)
12 Hang Power Cleans
12 Toes to Bar
After 10 rounds, max burpees over bar in remaining time
Rx: 115/75 lbs
Score 1: time to finish 10 rounds
Score 2: total burpees
TUESDAY 1.17.23
Push Press - 4 Sets of 8 - 12 minutes
Build to Heavy Unbroken Set by Feel
3 Wall Walks
6 Bar Muscleups or 12 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows
9 Sit Up Get Ups
Tabata L Sit
CrossFit Open 18.2 and 18.2A
12 Minutes to Complete
For Time
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps of:
Double DB Front Squats (50/35 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
In remaining time, 18.2 A
1 rep max Clean
Each class will have 2 heats with peer judging to get used to the Open format
THURSDAY 1.19.23
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am and 6:30pm
Open Gym 5:30pm
Bench Press - 4 sets of 8 - 12 Minutes
Build to heavy by feel
M1) 15 Reverse Grip Bench Press
M2) 10 Tempo Bentover DB Rows
M3) :40 Tempo Banded Tricep Pull Downs
M4) :40 Tempo Banded Lat Pull Downs
M5) :40 Temp Seated L Raises
FRIDAY 1.20.23
Deadlift - 4 sets of 5 - 12 Minutes
Build to Heavy
Teams of 2 Diane Follow the Leader Style
16 minutes to complete
Deadlift 225/155 lbs
Handstand Push-ups OR DB Push Press
In remaining time max calorie row / bike
Tabata Hollow Hold
How does follow the leader work?
Athlete 1 does 21 deadlift
Athlete 2 does 21 deadlift
Athlete 1 does 21 handstand push-ups
Athlete 2 does 21 handstand push-ups
Athlete 1 does 15 deadlift
Athlete 2 does 15 deadlift
SATURDAY 1.21.23
Teams of 2
100 Cal Row OR 80 Cal Bike
10 Power Snatch
20 power cleans
30 back squats
40 sit ups (synchro)
50 burpees (synchro)
40 sit ups (synchro)
30 back squats
20 power cleans
10 power snatch
100 Cal Row OR 80 Cal Bike