MONDAY 1.17.22

Fight or Flight Front Squats Week 3

Build to Heavy Single By Feel - 12 Minutes

Every 1:30 for 4 Lifts

1 Pause Front Squat @ 80-82-84-84%

2 Mississippi Count This Week

For Time

15-12-9-6-3 DB Squat Cleans

10 HSPU or Push Press after each set

12 Minute Cap

Rx: 50/35 lb Dumbbells

TUESDAY 1.18.22

Skill: Kipping Pull-up 

Beginner - practice basic Kip using bands to string together 2-3 chin over bar pull-ups 

Intermediate - practice stringing together multiple chest to bar pull-ups - NOT butterfly 

Advanced - practice Bar Muscleups 

Just a few minutes here to review technique and get a feel for it. There's plenty of time to practice in metcon. 

Breathe Hard



M1) 2-8 Bar Muscleups

M2) 12/9 Cal Bike

M3) 60 Double Unders

M4) 18/15 Cal Row

M5) AMRAP Zombie Sit-ups


M1) 10-15 Pull-ups 

M2) Bike :50

M3) Struggle Under Practice :50

M4) Row :50

M5) AMRAP Zombie Sit-ups


Hangin Long Time Cap 16.2/19.2

5 Rounds

25 Toes to Bar

50 Double Unders

*Hang Squat Clean Ladder

Round 1: 15 Reps @ 135/85 lbs (50%)

Round 2: 13 Reps @ 185/115 lbs (60%)

Round 3: 11 Reps @ 225/145 lbs (70%)

Round 4: 9 Reps @ 275/175 lbs (80%)

Round 5: 7 Reps @ 315/205 lbs (90%)

Time was was 20:00 during open with full squat cleans. 32 minutes to get as far as possible today.

THURSDAY 1.20.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am&6:30pm

Partner Lynne - Compare to 10.21.21

5 Rounds for Maximum Reps each

Max Unbroken Reps Bench Press (Bodyweight)

Max Unbroken Pullups

Rest as needed between sets

25 Minutes

Athlete Brief / Workout Explanation

The benchmark CrossFit workout Lynne is a test of your upper body strength and gymnastics endurance.  We are doing this in a partner format for bench press safety and to promote resting as needed between sets.

Athlete 1 does max Reps Bench Press while Athlete 2 spots

Change weight as needed 

Athlete 2 does max reps Bench Press while Athlete 1 spots

Athlete 1 does max unbroken set of strict or kipping Pullups or ring rows while Athlete 2 rests

Athlete 2 does max unbroken set of strict or kipping Pullups or ring rows while Athlete 1 rests

Both athletes rest as needed before starting the next round of bench press. 

While true Competition Rx is bodyweight bench press, athletes should scale to a challenging weight that they can physically do at least 10 reps of unbroken when fresh. 

No bands on Pullups. Chin must get over the bar and arms must return to full extension every Rep. 

Pick challenging position for ring rows - feet on pound pads with body parallel to floor is a great challenge!


Tabata L Sit on Floor

12 minutes to find heavy 



M1) 15/12 Cal Row

M2) 50 Double Unders

M3) 10/8 Cal Bike

M4) 7 Burpee Box Jumps

FRIDAY 1.21.22

Lift Heavy - 3RM Deadlift - 12 Minutes


CrossFit Open 17.1

10-20-30-40-50 Alternating DB Snatches 

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs after each set

Rx: 50/35 lb DB - 24/20" Box

20 Minute Cap

SATURDAY 1.22.22

Skill: Handstand Walks

Beginners: practice kick ups to wall

Intermediate: practice walking 5' increments 

Advanced: practice obstacle 

10 Minutes to play around 

CrossFit Open 21.1

For Time

1-3-6-9-15-21 Wall Walks

10-30-60-90-150-210 Double-Unders

Time Cap: 15 minutes



SUNDAY 1.23.22

Breathe Hard - compare to 3.18.21

Active Recovery on 30 Minute Clock

0:00-3:00 Row or Bike

3:00-6:00 AMRAP

10 Alt Cartwheels

20 Cossack Squats

30 Russian Twists

Alternate machine each round 

Score is total Row Calories and Bike Calories