5 Rep Tempo Sandwiches - Pause :03 on Reps 1&5 Each Set
5 @ 52%
5 @ 57%
5 @ 62%
5 @ 67%
5 @ 72%
Pause Singles at 76-81-88% if time
MetCon - Leg Day AMRAP 12:
8 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
8 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
8 Good Mornings
8 Back Squats
16 Calf Raises
*Goal is to Perform Each Round without putting bar down. Rest 1:00 or less between rounds
Use 35% Front Squat for all movements
POWER LUNCH with Coach Joelle
Pistol warmup
6 EMOM: 6-8 Pistols
200 Jump Squats FT
*every minute stop for around the world Lunges
**every 50 reps stop for 15 burpees 12 min cap