A) Squat Clean & Push Jerk
0:00-3:00 EMOM 1 Rep @65%
At 4:00 - 1@70%
At 5:30 - 1@75%
At 7:00 1@80%
At 8:30 1@85%+
B) Front Squats until 20:00
4-3-2-1-1 @ 65-75-80-85-90%
Heavy Singles By Feel
C) MetCon 24:00-36:00 - 12 Minute EMOM
1) 5 D Ball Over Shoulder
2) 10 D Ball Bearhug Squats
3) 15 Chest to Bar Pullups
D Ball Weight Choices:30-40-50-60-80-100-150
Try to coordinate with your semiprivate cohort to decide who will use what ball. If you get a lighter ball, 1) 8-10 over shoulder, 2) 15 squats
Home Version
A) Single Arm Oly Skill
8:00 EMOM 5 Squat Clean & Split Jerk
Switch Arms each round
B) MetCon 12 Minute EMOM
1) 5-10 Heavy Bag to Shoulder
2) 10-15 Bearhug Squats
3) 15 Sheet Rows or Bentover Rows
18 E3MOM alt. Between:
1. 5 Pike Pushup then walk to Regular Pushup
10 1-2-3 Updowns
AMRAP Wall walks in remaining time
2. 15 Burpees
10 Jumping Lunges
AMRAP Squats in remaining time