150x Home Workout
New Leg Day Movement - Goblet Step Ups In our quest to continue building unilateral strength and stability, we will be doing these on Mondays in different rep schemes and tempos. Athletes are encouraged to hold their heaviest DB/KB and wear weight vest. But just like any new strength program, start with load that allows you to move through full range of motion with balance and control. You will have the next 6 weeks to work on these! Find a sturdy object at home (chair, bench, box). Ideally tall enough that the crease of your hip is below your knee when you place on foot on the object. The higher the object, the more it will translate into Single Leg Squat (Pistol) Strength. So don't deprive yourself of gainz by picking an easy/low object :)
MetCon May the 4th Be With You
Star Wars was originally released May 25, 1977
5 Rounds :
25 Squats
19 Pushups
7 Goblet Step Ups Right Leg
7 Goblet Step Ups Left Leg
Advanced Athletes Wear Weight Vest
25:00 Cap
For extra fitness, if you finish early, AMRAP Burpees until 25:00
Power Lunch
Monday Bring Sally Up Push Up Challenge
EMOM 12 min
5 Burpees + 10 Jumping Lunges + 5 Jumping Air squats