Bench Press Conga Line
18 Minutes to Complete
Athletes line up at barbell. Each athlete has 10-30 seconds to set up and attempt the lift. Weight will be added after each athlete attempts once.
Athletes who fail will be allowed to rest and perform 1 redemption Attempt if they’re close to PR weight.
Athletes unable to lift a barbell must do an emom of 10 HR Pushups + 10 hollow rocks until 18:00.
Lift offs are permitted
Male Rx
Female Rx
Male Scaled
Female Scaled
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Burpees
14 min Cap
Scaled Struggle Under Times
1:30, 1:15, 1:00, :45, :30
5 minutes total of struggles
That leaves 9 minutes for 75 burpees. GTBO and finish under the cap!