9:30am &12pm Classes Only Today


12 Days of Fitmas

1 DB Manmaker (pushup + right arm row + left arm row + clean thruster)

2 Seated Muscleups / Dips / HR Pushups

30 double unders / :30 Struggle Unders

4 DB Hang Squat Cleans

5 HSPU / DB Push Press

6 Pistols / High Box Step Up

7 Pullups / Ring Rows

8 burpees

9 wall balls

10 medball sit-ups

1100m Run - Rx holding medball

12 Devils Press

This workout is performed like the song.

Round 1 = 1 manmaker

Round 2 = 2 Muscleups + 1 Manmaker

Round 3 = 30 Double Unders + 2 Muscleups + 1 Manmaker


Round 12 = 12 Devils press + Run + 10 Situps + 9 wall balls etc through 1 Manmaker

Be mentally ready to work for 45-60+ Minutes