In case you didn’t read your email Friday, the building failed fire safety inspection so we’re still on the 2nd floor.
From the Rack*
0:00-6:00 Overhead Squats
3x8 OHS at 40-60% of your 1RM Snatch
6:00-20:00 Tempo Back Squats 2222
5@58% | 5@68% | 5@73% | 3@78%
Full Speed Heavy Singles by Feel
MetCon Death by EMOM
5 DB Thrusters + 4 Burpees over DB
Add 1 Burpee every minute.
So 0:00 = 5 Thrusters + 4 Burpees
1:00 = 5 Thrusters + 5 Burpees
2:00 = 5 Thrusters + 6 Burpees
If you are unable to complete all thrusters + incremental burpees in any given minute, you are ""dead"" and your workout is over! Go sit on a bike or rower until 12:00.
If you survive through 12:00 (5 Thrusters + 15 Burpees) YOU WIN! Score is your total reps!