

Every 1:20 for 8:00 (6 lifts)

1 Clean and Jerk at 75%+

Build to HEAVY


Build to Heavy Deadlift by Feel

Don't force it, but if you're feeling strong go for that PR!


1:30 on 1:00 off for 10 minutes 

Alternate Between

A) 16 Pistols + Max Effort Right Arm Hang Power Clean and Jerk

B) 16 Pistols + Max Effort Right Arm Hang Power Clean and Jerk

C) 20 DB Front Rack Lunges + Max Effort Handstand Walk

D) 20 DB Thrusters + Max Effort Lateral Burpees over DB

Score is total reps completed.


Sub high box step up with controlled descent for pistols. Make sure youre getting full depth on your substitution. QUARTER SQUATS WILL NOT MAKE YOU STRONGER