The Goal of the 2-3 Private Foundations Sessions during your first month are to get you comfortable with and competent enough at our more advanced barbell movements so that you can safely integrate into group class!
But even if you mentally grasp the concepts of the lifts, it is possible that you may not have the requisite physical mobility to perform the snatch and clean and jerk safely.
For example, if you have very tight hips, a shoulder impingement, or an old ankle injury, you may not physically be able to sit down at the bottom of a squat with arms locked out overhead while maintaining a vertical torso.
If this is the case, you may need to work on your mobility independently at home and/or during Open Gym.
The New Member Liaison and Head Coach will coordinate to create a Mobility Plan for you so that you can improve your movement patterns over a number of weeks!
In the meantime, you will still be able to take:
Monday’s Class to work on Basic Squat Mechanics without a barbell.
Tuesday’s gymnastics Bodyweight class
Thursday’s Broga Mobility, Cardio Breathe Hard Class, and/or Open Gym
Sunday’s Cardio Breathe Hard Class, and/or Open Gym
You may ask the Coach during Open Gym to take a look at your squat!
They can provide feedback to the New Member Liaison and Head Coach on your progress.
We’re all in this together to help you Move Well. Lift Heavy. And Breathe Hard!
We look forward to lifting with you once you’re cleared!