Tuesday 10.19.21

Tempo Gymnasty Week 6

Every :30 for 6:00 Alternate Between Isometric Holds

1) Top of Pullup Hold 

2) Top of Dip Hold

3) Bottom of Dip Hold

:15 second hold each

Breathe Hard - EMOM 20

M1) Row 18/15 Cal

M2) 15 Ring Dips

M3) 12/9 Cal Bike

M4) 25' Handstand Walk

M5) :30-:40 Hollow Hold

Monday 10.18.21

Bulletproof Torso Front Squats Week 6

20 Minutes

5 Zombies @ 50 - 60 - @ 70 - 74%

2 Front Squat @ 80 - 83 - 86%

Breathe Hard


16 Single Arm DB Overhead Lunges (50/35#)

12 Toes to Bar

8 Strict HSPU

Sunday 10.17.21

Breathe Hard

:90 on, :30 off for 32:00

Alternate Between

A) Row

B) Bike

C) Burpee Plate Hop

D) Butterfly Situps 

Score = total calories+reps

Saturday 10.16.21

Teams of 2

32 Minutes to Complete 

3 Rounds

20 Devil's Press 50/35 lbs

40 Chest to Bar Pullups

200 Double Unders


Sarah Six Pack Sauce

Friday 10.15.21

Lift Heavy

20 Minutes to Complete

Push Press & Sumo Deadlift Each

5 @ 50% - 4 @ 60% - 3 @ 70%

2 @ 80 - 2 @ 85%

Breathe Hard 

Teams of 2


4 D Ball to Shoulder + Squat 150/100 lbs

12 HSPU / DB Push Press

Thursday 10.14.21

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Lift Heavy - 2RM Bench Press - 12 Minutes

Hypertrophy EMOM 16

M1) Hanging L Sit :20-:30

M2) 10-15 Strict Ring Dips / Ring Push-ups / HRPU

M3) 8 Tempo Bentover Rows 50/35 lbs

M4) AMRAP Barbell Zombie Situps

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Teams of 2 - 32 Minutes to Complete

1100m Run

Then 10 Rounds Relay Style

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

250m Row

AMRAP Assault Bike in remaining time

Wednesday 10.13.21

Snatch Work 0:00-16:00

High Pull + Hang Snatch

5 @ 50% - 4 @ 60% - 3 @ 70% - 2 @ 75% - 1 @ 80%

Clean Work 16:00-32:00

Below the Knee Hang Clean + Pause Split Jerk

3 @ 50% - 2 @ 60% - 2 @ 70%

1 @ 75% - 1 @ 80% - 1 @ 85%

Heavy Single by feel if time 

Tuesday 10.12.21

Tempo Gymnasty Week 4

Every :30 for 6:00 Alternate Between Isometric Holds

1) Top of Pullup Hold 

2) Top of Dip Hold

3) Bottom of Dip Hold

4 Rounds Total - Hold :10 each position 

Breathe Hard 0 EMOM 20

M1) 25' Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks

M2) 16 Alternating Bicep Curls

M3&4) Row 30/24 Calories

M5) :30-:45 Hollow Hold

Monday 10.11.21

Bulletproof Torso Front Squats Week 5

20 Minutes

5 Zombies @ 50 - 60 - 70% - 72%

1 Pause Front Squat

@ 80 - 83 - 86%

Breathe Hard 


4 One Arm Thruster 50/35 lbs

8 One Arm Overhead Lunge 50/35 lbs

8 Toes to Bar

Switch Arms Each Round

Sunday 10.10.21

Breathe Hard - Cardio Recovery


800m Run OR 1000/800m Row OR 50/40 Cal Bike

10 Alternating Cartwheels

20 Cossack Squats

30 Hollow Rocks

40 Double Unders / :40 Struggle Unders

Open Gym Suggested Work

5 Rounds for Quality

5 Bench Press @50-60-65-70-75%

8 Tempo DB Bentover Rows

:30-:45 Hollow Hold

Saturday 10.9.21


Teams of 2 - 30 Minutes to Complete

800m Run

10 Rounds Relay Style

10 Alt DB Hang Power Snatch (50/35 lbs)

25' Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks

800m Run

10 Rounds Relay Style

10 Burpees 

10 Chest to Bar Pullups / Ring Row


Sarah Six Pack Sauce

Friday 10.8.21

Friday  10.8.21

Lift Heavy

20 Minutes to Complete

4x5 Push Press & Sumo Deadlift

50-60-70-80% Heavy Single by Feel if Time

Breathe Hard 

Teams of 2


8 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100 lbs

16 HSPU / DB Push Press

Thursday 10.7.21

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Strength - 2RM PAUSE Bench Press 

Hard Core EMOM 16

M1) :30 Bottom of Dip / Chaturanga Hold

M2) 5 Strict Tempo Toes to Bar

M3) Banded Oblique Twist (:25 per side)

M4) AMRAP 3 Position Bicep Curls

Breathe Hard 5:30pm

Hyrox Mini Part Deux

Teams of 2

Every 6:00 for 36:00

800m Run Buy In

Then Alternate Between AMRAPs

A) Ski 

B) Burpee Box Jump

C) Assault Bike

D) Dubz

E) Row

F) Sled Push

Wednesday 10.6.21


Oly Day Week 3


Power Clean + Hang Clean + Pause Split Jerk

2 @ 50% - 2 @ 60% - 2 @ 70% - 1 @ 80% - 1 @ 85%

Base % on 1RM Clean & Jerk

Heavy Clean & Jerk by Feel in remaining time 

Overhead Squats From the Rack

5 @ 60% - 4 @ 70% - 3 @ 80%

2 @ 90% - 2 @ 100% - 2 @ 105%

Base % on 1RM Snatch

Heavy Overhead Squat Single by Feel in remaining time 

Tuesday 10.5.21

Muscleup Tempo Strength Week 4


M1) 4 Tempo Pullups

M2) 4 Tempo Ring Dips


Teams of 2

10 Rounds Relay Style

10 Pullups / Ring Rows

10 Ring Dips / HR Pushups

50 Dubz / :35 Struggle Unders

*One Athlete Rows while the other does 1 Round. Switch each round.

Monday 10.4.21

Bulletproof Torso Front Squats Week 4

20 Minutes to Complete 

5 Zombies @ 50%

5 Zombies @ 60%

5 Zombies @ 68%

5 Zombies @ 70%

1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat

@ 75 - 80 - 83%




DB Hang Power Clean 50/35 lbs

DB Front Rack Lunge

Toes to Bar

Saturday 10.2.21

Saturday 10.2.21

Teams of 2

28 Minutes to Complete 

2 Rounds

800m Run

10 D Ball Over Shoulder + Squat 150/100#

20 Bar Muscleups / 40 Chest to Bar

30 Burpee Box Get Overs 30/24"

AMRAP Row in remaining time 

Friday 10.1.21

Friday 10.1.21

Lift Heavy

20 Minutes to Complete

4x5 Push Press + 4x5 Sumo Deadlift


Single at 80% each 



6 Left Arm KB Snatch 24/16kg

6 Right Arm KB Snatch 24/16kg


Thursday 9.30.21

Thursday 9.30.21

Functional Bodybuilding

Strength  - 2RM Pause Bench Press



Chest to Floor Push-ups 

Bentover Rows (50/35#}

*15 123 Up Downs after each round

Breathe Hard 

3 Rounds For Time

1000m Run

1000m / 850m Row

100 Dubz