Monday 2.1.21

18 Minutes to Complete

Tempo Sandwiches - Pause :03 on 1st & Last Rep Each Set

5 @ 57%

4 @ 62%

3 @ 67%

3 @ 72%

3 @ 77%

Heavy Doubles - Pause on 1st Rep

2 @ 80%

2 @ 84%

Pause Single @88%

MetCon 10 Minutes to Complete


Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squats

Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squats

Back Squats to Calf Raise

Use 35% 1RM Front Squat


Pistol warmup 6 EMOM

4-5 Pistols per side

12 min, every :30 switch


Cossack Squats

Burpee Star Jumps

Jump Squats

1:15 min Plank

Sunday 1.31.21

Breathe Hard

Running Clock

0:00-8:00 Bike at Recovery Pace

8:00-10:00 Rest

10:00-30:00 Intervals- Every 5:00 for 4 Rounds

50 Double Unders / 100 Singles

15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"

*Complete each round as fast as possible

Rest in remainder

30:00-35:00 Bike at recovery pace

Saturday 1.30.21

20 Minute AMRAP

21/17 Calorie Row

15 Burpees Over Rower

9 DB Thrusters 95/65 lbs

Buyout: Tabata Abs

Friday 1.29.21

Hip Cleans from Pound Pads

14 Minutes to Complete






Heavy Singles by Feel if time

MetCon - EMOM 10:

M1) 5 Hang Squat Cleans @70% 1RM

M2) 15 Strict Ring Dips / HR Pushups


HSW practice into a wall


10 Alt HS Shoulder Taps

15 Squats

10 Plank to Squat

15 Hands down Burpees (float at top with hips in air and ft off ground)

1:15 min Plank

Thursday 1.28.21

7:30am Broga

Breathe Hard

5 Rounds

1000m Row

100 Double Unders

[35 Min Cap]

Athletes aim to hold row at 5k pace. Try 2k pace last round.

Dubz Sub: 200 Singles or 1:30 Practice Struggle Unders

Online Programming:

Wednesday 1.27.21

Snatch Werrk - Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM: 40 Second Snatch with Empty BB. Pause :05 at shins, below knee, above knee, mid thigh, stand&shrug, quarter squat, half squat, bucket

3:00-5:00 Transition

5:00-13:00 EMOM From the Rack

M1) 3 Tempo Overhead Squats (:02 down, pause :03, up, breathe) - Coaches Count

M2) 4 Behind the Neck Push Press

Use 65% 1RM Snatch for Barbell - Athletes may add weight each round if moving well.

MetCon - For Time:

35 Hang Squat Snatch @65% 1RM Snatch

*Starting with and EMOM 3 Burpees Over Bar

9 Min Cap


3 EMOM: 10 Strict Pushups together

2 RFT:

6-10 Wall Walks

30 Pike Pushups

50 Alt V-ups

1 min Plank

Tuesday 1.26.21

Skill: Strict HSPU

MetCon - For Time:


Strict HSPU

Strict Pullup


DB Strict Press

Banded Pullup

*Athletes pick DB and bands that provide appropriate challenge. Should not be able to do 10 reps unbroken easily.

14 Min Cap

Buyout: Tabata Row

Score is total calories

Online Programming:

Monday 1.25.21

Front Squat Strength - 17 Min

Tempo Sandwiches - Pause :03 on 1st & Last Rep Each Set

5 @ 55%

5 @ 60%

4 @ 65%

4 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

Heavy Doubles - Pause on 1st Rep

2 @ 79%

2 @ 82%

2 @ 86%

Leg Day EMOM 12

M1) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right

M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left

M3) :30 Wall Sit + 10-20 Jumping Squats

M4) Rest

Use 35% Front Squat 1RM for barbell.


Pistol warmup 6 EMOM

4-5 Pistols per side



10 Alt Pistol Situp Get-Ups

1 min Plank

Sunday 1.24.21

Every 5 min for 35 min

40/30 cal bike (or 50/40 cal row)

Max Burpee Box Jumps

1 min rest

*Scaling: 30/20 calories

box jumps, box step ups

**aim for consistency and about 1 min for burpee box jumps

Saturday 1.23.21

For Time:

100 American KB Swings 55/35 lbs

80 Box Jump Overs 24/20"


40 Goblet Box Stepups

20 Burpee Box Get Ups 30/24"

[30 min cap]

*Athletes may use hands for Box Get Ups

Friday 1.22.21

Hip Cleans from Pound Pads

12 Minutes to Complete






Heavy Singles by Feel if time

MetCon - AMRAP 12:

10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95

50 Double Unders

15 Ring Dips

Scaled - Use 60% 1RM Clean

100 Singles or :45 Practice

15 HR Pushups


Tripod practice into headstand

Advanced Athletes work on Leg Lifts


:30 handstand hold

20-30 Hollow Rocks

:30 headstand leg lifts

20-30 Shoulder taps

10-15 wall facing squats

Buy Out: 1 min Plank

Thursday 1.21.21

7:30am Broga

9:30am & 5:30pm Breathe Hard

Running Clock - 0:00-10:00

Row 2000m (Rest in Remainder)

10:00-31:00 Every 3:00 for 7 Intervals

Row 250m as fast as possible (Rest in reminder each interval)

Record 2k time and 250m splits

Online Programming:

Wednesday 1.20.21

Snatch Werrk - Running Clock

0:00-3:00 EMOM - 40 Second Snatch with Empty BB. Pause :05 at shins, below knee, above knee, mid thigh, stand&shrug, quarter squat, half squat, bucket

3:00-5:00 Transition

5:00-13:00 EMOM From the Rack

M1) 4 Tempo Overhead Squats (:02 down, pause :02, up, breathe) - Coaches Count

M2) 5 Behind the Neck Push Press

Use 60% 1RM Snatch for Barbell

MetCon - For Time:

30 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

30 Overhead Squats

30 Burpees Over Bar

9 Minute Cap



10 Strict Pushups together

“Burptactular” 15 AMRAP

10 burpee special #1 (Mtn Climber)

10 burpee special #2 (Jump Wide then Narrow to up)

10 burpee special #3 (Plank Push-ups, try to jump to hands)

10 burpee special #4 (kick through)

45 sec Plank

Tuesday 1.19.21

Skill: Wall Facing Shoulder Taps


M1) :30-40 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps

M2) 8-10 Strict Pullups

M3) 5-10 Strict HSPU

M4) 20-30 Hollow Rocks

M5&6) 30/24 Cal Row


M1) :30-40 Wall Walk + Plank Shoulder Tap

M2) 8-10 Banded Pullups

M3) Kickup Practice or Pike Pushups

M4) 20-30 Hollow Rocks

M5&6) Row 1:40

Online Programming:

Monday 1.18.21

Front Squat Strength - 16 Min

Tempo Sandwiches - Pause :03 on 1st & Last Rep Each Set

5 @ 54%

5 @ 59%

5 @ 64%

4 @ 69%

3 @ 74%

Heavy Doubles - Pause on 1st Rep2 @ 76%

2 @ 80%

2 @ 84%

MetCon - MLK Leg Day - Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated April 4, 1968


4 Front Squats

4 Thrusters

6 Back Squat to Calf Raise

8 Bulgarian Split Squats per side

Use 35% Front Squat 1RM for barbell.


Pistol warmup 6 EMOM:

6-8 Pistols

For time (:40 sec on, :20 sec off)

30 Jumping Lunges ea side

20 Cossask Squats ea side

20 Alt Pistol Squats

30 Plank to Squat

10 Burpees after all exercises

12 min cap

45 sec Plank

Sunday 1.17.21

Breathe Hard

40 min AMRAP:

35/25 cal Bike

50/35 cal Row

25 burpees

Saturday 1.16.21

“Officer Sicknick”

13 Rounds for Time

1 Devils Press

6 Thrusters

21 Dubz

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was assaulted with a fire extinguisher by insurrectionists during the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. He succumbed to his injuries and died the next day in the hospital. He joined the Capitol Police in 2008.

The 13 Rounds represent his 13th year of service. Officer Sicknick is from South River, NJ. A 1997 graduate of Middlesex County Vocational and Technical School, Sicknick "wanted to be a police officer his entire life," according to his family. He joined the New Jersey Air National Guard the year he graduated. Sicknick deployed to Saudi Arabia in 1999 in support of Operation Southern Watch. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he served in Kyrgyzstan in support of the war in Afghanistan.

Friday 1.15.21

Hip Cleans from Pound Pads

12 Minutes to Complete






MetCon - AMRAP 10:

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

15 Ring Dips / HR Pushups

(Use 65% Clean 1RM For barbell)

POWER LUNCH with Coach Joelle

6 min Free Standing HS Practice

2 min wall facing

2 min not wall facing

2 min free practice

4 RFT:

15 Pike Push-ups

2 Wall Walks

20 Hollow Rocks

*15 min cap, try to finish in 12 like an EMOM

Thursday 1.14.21

Broga 7:30 - Athletes bring lacrosse/golf/tennis ball from home

Breathe Hard 9:30am & 5:30pm

5K Row for Time

30:00 Cap

Buyout: Coach’s Choice Abs

Online WoD:

150x WoD 2:

Wednesday 1.13.21

Snatch Werrk

Running Clock 0:00-3:00 EMOM

40 Second Snatch with Empty BB. Pause :05 at shins, below knee, above knee, mid thigh, stand&shrug, quarter squat, half squat, bucket

3:00-5:00 Transition

5:00-13:00 EMOM From the Rack

M1) 5 Tempo Overhead Squats (:02 down, pause :02, up, breathe) - Coaches Count

M2) 5 Behind the Neck Push Press + 1 Pause Overhead Squat (:03 at bottom)

Use 55% 1RM Snatch for Barbell

MetCon - Randy

75 Power Snatch for Time 75/55 lbs

(8 Min Cap)

POWER LUNCH with Coach Joelle


10 Strict Pushups together

Tabata, 4 min ea exercise

1. Plank Pushups

2. Mountain Climbers

3. HR Pushups

4. Burpees