Hi Friends!
to all the strong mamas in our community! Raising kids is crazy hard.
How you balance the 24/7 AMRAP that is motherhood with your own careers, relationships, social lives, AND fitness is a truly amazing feat! You all inspire me!
We’re in Week 8 of our Summer is Coming Strength Cycle!
We’ve spent the last 7 weeks building strength, learning technique, and improving competency and confidence in our major lifts. Now it’s time to see how strong we can be!
Guidance on LIFT HEAVY this Week
When building up in class this week during the strength block, use your 90% rep as a measuring stick. If it feels super heavy, back off and call it a day. You’ll come back feeling strong next week.
But if 90% feels good, go for 95%
And if 95% feels good, attack and go for a 1 Rep Max 2-5 lbs heavier than your current personal best!
New folks in the program, do 5 sets of 5 to start building technique and confidence in the major lifts. You are welcome to try heavier singles after your 5x5 if you’re moving with good form!
Guidance on BREATHE HARD this Week
Volume and intensity are up this week so get ready to work!
For Time
During “For Time” workouts, the goal should always be to scale movements accordingly to finish the work within the time cap. I always think about the math.
If i have to do 4 rounds of 45 repetitions
I have to do 180 repetitions under 15 minutes
I have to do 12 reps per minute on average finish the workout under the time domain
With that in mind, we don’t want to make workouts too easy so that we’re finishing a 15 minute cap workout in 8 minutes.
Challenge yourself on ONE of the movements each workout by going heavier or picking a higher skill movement that takes a bit longer to do than your normal go to substitution.
Then push the pace on the other movements!
AMRAPS (as many rounds/reps as possible)
And during “AMRAPS” remember pacing is everything. I always think about the overall length of time. For example:
If you know you have to jog nonstop for 20 minutes, you’re not going to start by running 400 meters as fast as possible.
Find a pace that allows you to keep moving for the first 75-90% of the workout. Then send it at the end to accumulate as many reps as possible and challenge your conditioning and lactate threshold!
Let’s have another STRONG week!
Get After It!
Coach André
Remember to follow us on Instagram for daily motivation + class workout videos