Summer Break Fun Week!
We just completed the 11 Week Summer Shred Program so we're taking a week to scale down the heavy load before our next cycle starts July 17th. This week will include more medium to long duration CrossFit style MetCons without a designated Strength block to start each day. But don't worry! We'll get back to barbells next week!
MONDAY 7.10.23
KickStart My Heart
4 Rounds for Time
8 Hang Power Cleans
8 Thrusters
8 Strict Pull-Ups
Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs
Functional Bodyuilding EMOM 16
M1) 20 Alternating DB Overhead Press
M2) 10 Goblet Kneel to Stand
M3) Farmers Carry Hold (:45)
M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
Buy Out - :45 Max Effort Assault Bike
TUESDAY 7.11.23
Block A
Every 1:30 for 13:30 (3 rounds)
A) 15 Bench Press (50-60-70%)
B) 10 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups
C) AMRAP Runningman Situps
Block B - 9 minutes to complete
20 Ring Pushups
20 Gorilla Rows
30 Ring Pushups
20 Gorilla Rows
40 Ring Pushups
20 Gorilla Rows
Rx: 50/35 lb DBs
Block C - Teams of 3
Max calories as a team in 9:00
Rotate on rower every minute
Score is total calories as a team
For Time
Power Clean
Front Squat
Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Rx: 135/95 lbs
13 minute cap
Bulgarians + Core Buyout Every 3:00 for 12:00
10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
AMRAP Plate holding Zombie Situps until 3:00 mark each round
THURSDAY 7.13.23
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
For Time
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Burpees Clap overhead
13 minute cap
Steady State AMRAP 18
Terrible Stair Run (6th floor twice)
20 Lateral Medball Toss to Wall
2 Turkish Get Ups per side
:30 Hollow Rocks
10 Hammer Curls
10 BTN Tricep Ext
10 Butterfly Situps
FRIDAY 7.14.23
Team of 2 - Diane Follow the Leader Style - 16 minutes to complete
21 Deadlifts Athlete A
21 Deadlifts Athlete B
21 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A
21 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B
15 Deadlifts Athlete A
15 Deadlifts Athlete B
15 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A
15 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B
9 Deadlifts Athlete A
9 Deadlifts Athlete B
9 HSPU or DB Press Athlete A
9 HSPU or DB Press Athlete B
In remaining time max calories on Rower / Bike
Teams of 2 - Empty Barbell Arms Buy Out - 15 minutes
Teams who finish early amrap medball situp passes until 15:00
SATURDAY 7.15.23
At 0:00 Run 800m
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 20 Reverse Lunges
At 12:00 Terrible Stair Run
Then resume AMRAP
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 10 HR Push-ups + 20 Reverse Lunges
At 22:00 Run 800m
Score 1: Total rounds + reps on amrap
Score 2: Time finishing last 800m Run
Buyout: Rowling 10 minutes
3 Tuck Ups for Every Meter above/below 100m