Post cycle Deload Week - nothing super heavy but shifting gears into summer shred higher volume
MONDAY 4.17.23
Kickstart my Heart
4 Rounds for Time
8 Hang Power Cleans
8 Thrusters
8 Strict Pull-ups or 16 Ring Rows (no bands allowed today)
Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs
10 minute Cap
Functional Bodybuilding EMOM 16
M1) 20 Alt Overhead DB Press
M2) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats
M3) 10 Bulgarian Split Squats
M4) AMRAP 123 Up Downs
Rx: Two 50/35 lb DBs
TUESDAY 4.18.23
Skill: Turkish Get Up
Get Up & Go EMOM 9
M1) 2 Turkish Get Ups Right
M2) 2 Turkish Get Ups Left
M3) 15 Box Jump Overs
Teams of 2 Relay
10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatch 135/95 lbs
10 Burpees Over Bar After Each Round
Athlete A does 10 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests
Athlete B does 10 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests
Athlete A does 8 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests
Athlete B does 8 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests
Etc until final round
Athlete A does 2 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete B rests
Athlete B does 2 power snatch + 10 burpees while Athlete A rests
Strength/Skill: Cleans from Blocks - 15 minutes
Power Clean + Squat Clean
5@50% - 5@60% - 5@70%
Heavy Clean by Feel in remaining Time
Teams of 2 - AMRAP Relay 15
4 Power Cleans
8 Front Rack Forward Lunges
12 Toes to Bar
Rx: 115/75 lbs
THURSDAY 4.20.23
Active Recovery Day
7:30am & 6:30pm Classes
Open Gym 5:30pm
Skill: Kickup to Handstand or Walking
8 minutes to play around & practice
Every 2:00 for 18:00 (3 rounds)
Alternate Between
A) Row 30/24 Calories
B) :30 Handstand Hold + 20 Alternating Bicep Curls
C) 100 Double Unders OR 200 Singles + AMRAP Butterfly Sit-Ups
FRIDAY 4.21.23
Lynne Diesel
25 Minutes to Complete
5 Rounds for Maximum Reps
Unbroken Bench Press
Unbroken Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Bodyweight Bench Press for Men
3/4 Bodyweight for Women
Scale to 60% 1RM
This is NOT for time. So take plenty of rest between sets and spot each other.
Use this flowM1) BenchM2) RestM3) Pull-UpsM4) Rest
Take longer rest in latter sets as needed
Buyout Tabata L Sit
SATURDAY 4.22.23Murph Prep
Bring weight vest if you have one