MONDAY 2.20.23

Presidents Day Schedule

7:30am - 10am - 12pm classes only

Open Gym between

Skill: Seated Box Jump

8 minutes build to high jump 


M1) Max Reps Bench Press 225/155 lbs (60%)

M2) 20 American Swings 24/16kg

M3) 10 Box Jumps 30/24"

M4) 10 Football Burpees

M5) AMRAP 123 Up Downs

M6) Rest

TUESDAY 2.21.23

Skill: Handstand Push-up Progressions

8 min to play around. Advanced athletes build to high deficit HSPU or work on Freestanding 


1:30 on, :30 off for 18:00

A) 15 HSPU/ DB Push Press + AMRAP Handstand Walk / Wall Walks 

B) 10 Tempo Strict / Banded Pull Ups + AMRAP Farmers Hold

C) AMRAP Calorie Bike


3:00 AMRAP Double Unders


Back Squat 1RM - 20 Minutes


Grand Slam

5 Rounds for Time

26 Goblet lunges

:56 Wall Sit

11 Burpees Over DB

15 minute cap 

THURSDAY 2.23.23

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am and 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm

Strength - Turkish Get Up - 12 min 

Build to Heavy TGU + Windmill

Athletes may use KB, DB, or Barbell


M1) 10-15 Renegade Rows

M2) 10 Rear Heel Elevated DB Deadlift w/Twist Right

M3) 10 Rear Heel Elevated DB Deadlift w/Twist Left

M4) :40 Pause Banded Tricep Pull Downs

M5) :40 L Sit

1 Renegade Row = 1 Push-up + 1 Right Arm Row + 1 Left Arm Row

Rear Heel Elevated Deadlift:

FRIDAY 2.24.23

TBD Based on CrossFit Open 23.2

SATURDAY 2.25.23

CrossFit Open 23.2