Schedule Announcements:
Evening classes Mon-Wed consolidated to 5:30pm & 7pm only. Thursday & Friday remain the same (5:30&6:30pm). 5:30pm Members can now stay after class to stretch or do accessory work and 7pm members may come early to do the same.
Closed Saturday December 24 & Sunday December 25 for Christmas.
12pm Class only Monday December 26
Normal Schedule resumes Tuesday December 27
MONDAY 12.19.22
High Bar Back Squats - 15 minutes
4 Sets @ 50-60-70-80%
2 Pause + 2 Full Speed
Pause :02 at the bottom of each pause Rep.
build to HEAVY set of BELTLESS 2 Reps
If your core isn't strong enough to support the weight, don't lift it.
Leg Day AMRAP 15
15 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
15 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
15 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
15 Ring Dips
15 Zombie Sit Ups
At 16:00 mark, max burpees over DB
TUESDAY 12.20.22
Push Press 5RM - 12 Minutes
Teams of 2 AMRAP 18 Relay
25' Handstand Walk
7 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Wall Walks
14 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
One Athlete Rows while the other does 1 Round of gymnastics.
Score 1: total team rounds + Reps
Score 2: total team calories
WEDNESDAY 12.21.22
12 Days of Dumbbells
1 Devil's Press
2 DB Hang Lunges
3 Pushups (Dumbbell Deficit)
4 Burpees Over DB
5 HSPU / Push Press
6 Front Squats
7 Deadlifts
8 Reverse Hang Lunges
9 Pull-Ups / Ring Rows
10 Alt DB Snatch
11 Toes to Bar
12 Thrusters
The Workout is performed like the song.
Round 1 = 1 Devils Press
Round 2 = 2 Lunges + 1 Devils Press
Round 3 = 3 Push-ups + 2 Lunges + 1 Devils Press
Round 12 = 12 Thrusters, 11 Toes to Bar, 10 Alt DB Snatch… and a Devils Press in a pear tree
THURSDAY 12.22.22
Bench Press - Build to Heavy 5RM - 12 minutes
M1) Alternating Bicep Curls
M2) Single DB Skull Crushers
M3) Arms Only Rowing
M4) 123 Up Downs
FRIDAY 12.23.22
Deadlift 5RM - 12 Minutes
Teams of 2 - 10 Rounds Relay Style
10 Power Cleans
10 Front Rack Lunges
10 Push Press
Rx: 95/65 lbs