MONDAY 11.28.22

High Bar Back Squats - 14 minutes

4 Sets @ 50-55-60-65%

5 Pause + 5 Full Speed

Pause :02 at the bottom of each pause Rep. 

Focus for athletes is getting comfortable with the high bar position, keeping upright torso, and maintaining tight core.

Athletes who don't know their 1RM Back Squat can base % on their front squat.

Every 1:30 for 18:00

A) 10/Leg Double DB Bulgarian Split Squats 

B) 22 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

C) 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

D) 10 Tempo Strict Pull-Ups 

TUESDAY 11.29.22

Overhead Strength - 12 Minutes

4 Sets @ 50-55-60-65%

5 Strict Press + 5 Push Press

Base % on 1RM Strict Press or start light and make small jumps each set if you don't know 

Teams of 2 Partner AMRAP 18

25' Handstand Walk + 15 Toes to Bar

One Athlete Rows while the other does gymnastics. Switch after each full round. 

Score 1: Total Rounds + Reps

Score 2: Total Calories

WEDNESDAY 11.30.22

The Chief

5 rounds

3 Minute AMRAP

3 Power Clean 135/95 lbs

6 Push-ups 

9 Air Squats

Rest 1 minute 

At 21:00 mark start partner wod

Rx: 40 Bar Muscle Ups for Time

Scaled: 60 Pull-ups or Ring Rows + 60 Ring Dips or Hand Release Push-ups

Every minute on the minute one athlete does 8 Burpees Over Bar

THURSDAY 12.1.22

Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm

Open Gym 5:30pm


M1) :30-40 Handstand Hold

M2) 16-20 Alt Bicep Curls 

M3) 16-20 BTN Tricep Ext

M4) :30-40 Farmers Carry

M5) AMRAP Starfish V Ups

FRIDAY 12.2.22

Floating Romanian Deadlift

12 Minutes to complete 4 sets of 8


M1) 15 Reverse Grip Bench Press

M2) 16 Alt DB Power Snatch

M3) 10 Sit-up Get Ups

M4) Row 18/15 Calories

SATURDAY 12.3.22

Sweaty Surprise