Skill: Behind the Neck Split Jerk

From The Rack - 10 Minute EMOM:

M1) 3 Behind the Neck Split Jerk (pause in split :03 each Rep)

M2) 5 Overhead SquatsStart at 65% Snatch 1RM

Add 2-5% every 2:00 by feel

MetCon - FT:

50 Overhead Squats @50% Snatch 1RM

*Starting with and EMOM 20 Dubz

(10 Minute Cap)


3 EMOM 15 Strict Pushups together

10 rounds for time - work :20 on, :10 off

10 Sit-ups

10 HR Pushups

10 Plank to Squat

1:30 min Plank