From The Rack - 15:00 Clock

0:00-10:00 EMOM

M1) 2 Behind the Neck Split Jerk (pause in split :03 each Rep)

M2) 4 Overhead Squats

Start at 75% Snatch 1RM - Add 2-5% every 2:00 by feel

10:00-15:00 Heavy Single OHS Attempts by Feel

MetCon: CrossFit Open 14.1

10 Minute AMRAP

30 Double Unders

15 Power Snatch (75/55 lbs)

POWER LUNCH with Coach Joelle

4 EMOM: 10 Strict Pushups together


5-10 Jump Plank to Pushup Burpees

Alt Mtn Climbers to Wrist

Hollow Rocks

2 min Plank