Bulletproof Torso Front Squats Week 8
22 Minutes
5 Zombies @ 50 - 60 - 70 - 76%
1 Front Squat by Feel @ 81-86-90%
Breathe Hard 22-16-10
Pistol Squat
Chest to Bar Pullup
Scaled 22-16-10
High Box Step Up with Controlled Descent 30/24"
Chest to Ring Rows
Skill: Kipping Ring Dip
Breathe Hard: JT
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips
Chest to Floor Pushups
Rowling Relay - Teams of 3
10 Minute AMRAP
Row 100m as fast as possible
1 Burpee for every meter over OR under 100
For example, if Maggie rows 97 meters, She has to do 3 burpees.
If David rows 110 meters, he has to do 10 burpees.
2RM Hang Snatch - 15 Minutes
2 Miss Rule in full effect
If you miss a lift more than once, drop the weight down and end on a high note with a solid technical lift at 70%.
Rogue Invitational Event 2 - Bella Complex
1 Clean
1 Shoulder to Overhead
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to Overhead
Goal is to hit around 90% of 1RM Clean & Jerk for this complex
Functional Bodybuilding 7:30am & 6:30pm
5 Rounds
8 Bench Press
8 Wide Grip Strict Pullups
:30 Bottom Ring Dip / Chaturanga Hold
16 Alternating Bicep Curls
:45 Hollow Hold
Athletes may use band for Pullups
Breathe Hard 5:30pm
High Ground… kinda from Proving Grounds
For Time
40 Box Jumps 24/20"
100 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps 24/20"
100 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps 30/24"
100 Double Unders
Teams of 3
1:00 On, 2:00 Off Relay for 15:00
Max Calorie Row
Each individual count your total individual calories each interval
Lift Heavy - Sumo Deadlift - 15 Minutes
Heavy Single by Feel
Breathe Hard
Rogue Invitational Event 5 - The Mule
Deadlift (315/225 lbs)
Burpee Pullup
12 Minute Cap
Most games athletes finished in 4:30-7:00
Scale weight appropriately to go fast
Rogue Invitational Event 6 - Kinda Chipper
Teams of 2
60/50 Cal Row
40 Goblet Box Step-ups 50/35 lbs
40 Strict HSPU
20 Bar Muscle Ups
Lap Around Block - Each Athlete Holds 20/14 lb Ball
20 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Strict HSPU
40 Goblet Box Step-ups 50/35 lbs
60/50 Cal Row
M1) 15/12 Cal Row
M2) 50 Double Unders
M3) 10/8 Cal Bike
M4) :30 Hollow Rocks