Squat Clean & Jerk 1RM - 14 Minutes

0:00-2:00 EMOM @66%

2:00-4:00 EMOM @73%

4:00 @77%

5:00 @83%

6:30 @ 88%

8:00 @ 93%

9:30 @98%

101% when you're ready to crush it

MetCon - AMRAP 12:

12 Thrusters

35 Double Unders

Add weight to thrusters each round

Make Rx: 75-95-115-135-155-175-195Female Rx: 55-65-75-95-105-115-125


:40 on/:20 off then :30/:15, then :20/:10, then :30/:15, then :40/:20

Mtn Climbers

Jumps Squats

Hollow Rocks


Burpee Tuck Jumps