150x Home WOD
Gymnastic Strength EMOM 4
5 Tempo Ring Dips
Tempo = :02 Hold Top, Fast Down, :02 Hold Bottom, Fast Up
Same tempo as last week. Master the Range of Motion on all reps!
MetCon-16 Minute AMRAP:
Alternating DB Snatch
Ring Dips
At 0:00 and 8:00, 100 Dubz + 400m Run
Scaled 200 Single Unders + 120 Jumping Jacks
Score is total Snatch/Dip Reps
Wheel of Fortune Wednesday
15 min AMRAP
10 Broad Jump
?? Reverse Burpee
?? Bear Crawl to Crab Kick Each Side
?? Burpee Tuck Jump
"Countdown" PLank Challenge