Monday 150x Home WOD

#StayHomeStayFit Benchmark Test - Pistol Squat

1 Minute Max Effort

Scaling option Pistol holding plate to balance or plate under heel

Alternating Box step ups No other options today as we want a clear apples to apples comparison with full range of motion

MetCon EMOM 25:

1) 10 Goblet Step Ups Right Leg

2) 10 Goblet Step UPS Left Leg

3) 10 Burpees

4) 30 Squats

5) Rest

*Advanced Athletes Wear (20/14) lb Weight Vest


EMOM until Failure:

7 Broad Jumps

7 Pushups

7 Lunges (each leg)

*After 10 min add one rep EMOM til failure