Tuesday 150x Home WOD:

#StayHomeStayFit Benchmark Test - Handstand Pushups

1 Minute Max Effort

Advanced athletes do strict Scaling Option DB/KB Push Press

Note weight.

If HSPU, weight is your Bodyweight

MetCon 21-15-9*

Chest to Bar Pullups / Sheet Rows

Ring Dips / Deficit Pushups

Toes to Bar / V Ups

*25' HSW/ 2 Wall Walks After Each Round



Your WOD is Your Phone Number

0 - 10 Reverse Lunge to High KNee Eash Leg

1- 15 Burpees

2 - 20 Running Man Sit Ups

3 - 20 Hollow Rocks

4 - 15 Tuck Jumps

5 - 12 Broad Jumps

6 - 30 Jumping Jacks

7 - 35 Air Squats

8 - 5 Wall Walks

9 - 20 Mountain Climbers to Wrist

15 min cap. If you finish early, 10 burpees EMOM