Strict Gymnatics EMOM 6
1) 5 Strict Tempo Pullups
2) 5 Strict Tempo Dips
Pullup Tempo - Fast up, :02 Chin Above Bar, :02 Control Down
Dip Tempo - :02 Hold Lockout, Fast Down, :02 Hold at Chest, Fast Up
Same tempo as last week. Focus on fill range of motion and control.
MetCon 2:00 on, 1:00 off for 18:00
Alternate Between AMRAPs
A) Burpee Pullups
B) 10 Ring Dips + 20 Dubz
C) Bike/Row
15 AMRAP: 5-10-15-20-25...
Pike Pushups
Toe Touches (from plank)
1 min Plank