Skill: Muscleup Toenail Progression
Cover false grip, pulling path and keeping elbows close to body.
MetCon Retest 3.27.18 & 8.14.18
Ring Muscleup Biathlon
For Time
400 meter Run (out back door down stairs. Right around the building enter through front door)
18 Muscle-Ups
400 meter Run
15 Muscle-Ups
400 meter Run
12 Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 22 minutes
Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run up to 4th Floor and back). Athletes who are inconsistent with MU may make 3 attempts before each penalty run.
Athletes doing the Open Rx should take 5-6 attempts each round even if unsuccessful. Remember, there won’t be a scaling option when you’re in the middle of 19.4!
400 meter Run (out front door run to stop sign and back)
10 Pullups / Ring Rows + 10 Dips / Hand Release Pushups
Run to 4th Floor
10 pulls + 10 pushes
400 meter Run
8 pulls + 8 pushes
Run to 4th Floor
8 pulls + 8 pushes
400 meter Run
6 pulls + 6 pushes
Run to 4th Floor
6 pulls + 6 pushes