Tempo Gymnastics
8 Minute EMOM
M1) 4 Ring Pullups/Rows
M2) 4 Ring Dips / DB Bench Press
Pullup Tempo = Fast Up, :03 Hold Chin Above, :03 Control Down
Dip Tempo = :03 Hold Up Top, Fast Down, :03 Hold at Chest
Every 5:00 for 20:00 Rotate AMRAPS
A) 15/12 Cal Row + 15 Ring Dips
B) 10 Burpees + 15 V Ups
C) 10/8 Cal Bike + 15 Parallel to Ground Ring Rows
D) Run 800m + Max Double Unders In remaining time
Clock does not stop today. Athletes may start to transition at the 4:30 mark each interval
A) 15/12 Cal Row + 15 HR Pushups
B) 10 Burpees + 15 Sit Ups
C) 10/8 Cal Bike + 15 Ring Rows
D) Run 600m + Max Single Unders