
On a 20:00 Running Clock


3x8 Overhead Squats @38-58% Snatch 1RM


1 Bottoms Up Back Squat + Tempo Back Squats 4@57%| 4@67% | 4@72% | 2@77%

Just 1% higher than last week. Make squats look and feel good!

Each set starts with a bottoms up back squat. Athletes step backwards out of boxes to perform OHS or tempo squats with full ROM.

Back Squat Tempo = 2222

Athletes may do squats from The Rack but rep scheme is 5-5-5-3 on Tempos.


Teams of 3 Relay Style

1:30 work, 3:00 rest

10 DB Hang Squat Cleans 50/35 lbs

Max Effort Row until 1:30

Athletes should pick a weight they can do unbroken. If you put DBs down before 10, go directly to rower.

Score is your total individual reps over the 3 rounds (cleans + calories)