
Tempo Muscleup Strength

EMOM 8 | M1) 4 Pullups | M2) 4 Ring Dips / DB Bench Press

Fewer reps but more time under tension. Scale for perfect Range of Motion and Control!

Pullups: 3 above, 3 control down

Dips/Bench: 3 top, 3 bottom

4:30 on, 1:30 off for 24:00

Alternate Between

A) 5 Ring Muscleups + 35 Double Unders

B) 25 Foot HSW + 12/9 Calorie Bike

C) 5 Ring Muscleups + 35 Double Unders

D) 15 Box Jump Overs + 18/15 Calorie Row

These are all 4:30 AMRAPs. Work continuously until the rest period each round. Score is total Reps

5 Foot HSW = 1 Rep


A) 8 Pullups/Ring Rows + 35 Single Unders

B) 2 Wall Walks + 12/9 Calorie Bike

C) 8 Dips/HR Pushups + 35 Single Unders

D) 15 Box Stepovers + 18/15 Calorie Row