Deuces Wild In House Competition  



Run to Hamilton Park  (1 mile)

100m Burpee Broad Jump

100m walking lunges

Run to 150 Bay (1 mile)

40 minute cap



8 minutes to establish

2 Rep Max Hang Clean

One barbell per team. Barbell starts empty sitting on pound pads.

Score is sum of heaviest successful lift from both athletes. So if Bob hits 200 and Will hits 250, team score is 450.

Athletes MUST SQUAT BOTH cleans.

Athlete MUST HOLD ON to the barbell for both reps. If Athlete successfully completes one clean then can’t hang onto the bar, zero points will be awarded.

Athlete may NOT POWER CLEAN, stand up, then squat the rep. Athlete must catch at bottom of squat or ride down from catch.



GTBO Chipper

10 minutes to complete

100-100 Double Unders

50-50 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs to 10/9 foot target

25-25 Chest to Bar Pullups

25-25 Foot Handstand Walk

Score is time completed or total reps completed in 10 minutes.

Athlete 1 completes 100 Double Unders. Then Athlete 2 Completes 100 Double Unders. Athlete 1 completes 50 Wall Balls. Then Athlete 2 Completes 50 Wall Balls. Etc until all work is complete or time expires.

Athlete cannot move on until partner completes all prescribed reps and tags hand.

Handstand Walk starts with both hands behind white line and goes in 5 foot increments. Both hands must go beyond white line to get credit for each 5 foot increment. If Athlete falls in the middle of lines they must restart at previous white line.


100-100 single unders

40-40 Wall Balls 14/10 lbs to 9/8 foot target

20-20 jumping pullups

10-10 burpee box jump overs 24/20”