8 minute EMOM
Clean and Jerk at 75%+
Your choice of split or push jerk
Build by feel but don’t fail! 6 burpees!
MetCon 1
Fibonacci (kind of)
0:00-7:00 to Complete
Deficit HSPU
Deadlift 405/275 lbs
After last set of deadlifts, perform 28 Double KB Overhead Walking Lunges 24/16kg
Score is time completed or total reps at 7 minute mark
MetCon 2
Run to 6th floor
25 Foot HS Walk / 3 Wall Walks
Score: Every 5 feet = 1 Rep
So if you complete 4 full rounds Rx, your score is 20
If you complete 4 full rounds scaled, your score is 12