Front Squat
0:00-2:00 5@50%
2:00-4:00 4@60%
4:00-6:00 3@70%
6:00-8:00 2@80%
8:00-10:00 2@85%
10:00–12:00 1@90%
12:00-14:00 Heavy Walkout@110% (10 seconds)
14:00-20:00 Heavy Single by Feel. If the grease is hot, cook!
Asbury Prep
Teams of 3 Relay Style - 10 minute AMRAP
10 lateral burpees over Bar
Max Effort Thrusters 115/75 lbs
Partner up with people close to your fitness level. Have best athlete go first to increase chances of getting 3 rounds each.
Score is total thrusters completed