
Muscle-Up: Focus on Back Swing Kip


Muscleup Biathlon

For Time

400 meter Run (out back door left around building in through front door)

18 Muscle-Ups

400 meter Run

15 Muscle-Ups

400 meter Run

12 Muscle-Ups

Time Cap: 18 minutes

Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run up to 4th Floor and back.)

Scaled Version

400 meter Run

10 pulls + 10 pushes

4th Floor run

10 pulls + 10 push

400 meter Run

8 Pull + 8 push

4th Floor run

8 Pull + 8 push

400 meter Run

6 Pull + 6 push

4th Floor run

6 Pull + 6 push

Pull = Pullup, feet elevated ring row, or jumping pull-up

Push = Ring Dip, ring pushup, chest to floor push-up, or knee push-up  

Gymnasty Buyout

10 min EMOM

1) 5 Tempo Ring dips (:03 pause top, control down, :03 Pause bottom)

2) 30 second heavy farmers carry