Closed Monday & Tuesday
Christmas Eve
12 Days of Christmas Home Version
1 Wall walk
20 second plank in pushup position
3 inchworm to pushup
4 Burpee tuck jump
5 hspu/pike pushup
6 pistol squat / kneeling to stand up
7 hand release pushups
8 altetnating jumping lunges
9 hollow rocks
10 jump squats
11 sit up get up
12 walkout to pushup
This is done like the song.
Round 1 = 1 Wall walk
Round 2 = 20 sec plank + 1 WW
ROund 3 = 3 Inch worm + :20 plank + 1 WW
Last Round = 12 Walkout to pushup + 11 Sit up get ups + 10 jump squats ..... and a Wall Walk in a pear tree.