Team GSO
Teams of 3 on 35 minute clock
Relay Style
DB Thrusters 50/35 lbs
Pullups / Ring Rows
Athlete 1 completes 21 thrusters + 21 pullups. Athlete 2 completes 21+21. Athlete 3 completes 21+21. Then Athlete 1 completes 15+15 etc until al have completed 21-15-9.
If Athletes do not complete all reps before 10:00, move directly onto Part 2.
Run 600m together
60 latetal burpees over DBs
60 DB Single Arm Alternating Power Snatch 50/35 lbs
Split Work as evenly as possible. THIS IS A CHIPPER. Athletes must complete all burpees before moving onto Snatches.
6 One Minute rounds relay style (2 rounds each Athlete)
10 DB Box Stepovers 50/35 lbs
Max Double Unders until end of minute
60 American Swings 32/24kg
60 Wall Balls
Max Effort Bar Muscleups / Ring Dips until 35:00