12 Days of Fitmas Crews Control RX
1 snatch
2 Bar Muscleups
30 double unders
4 Strict HSPU
5 front squats
6 bar facing burpees
7 toes to bar
8 single arm KB Snatch 32/24kg (4/side)
9 Goblet box stepovers 32/24kg)
10 wall balls 30 / 20 lbs
11 Hang Power cleans
12 thrusters
All Barbell Movements must be performed using one barbell loaded at the athlete’s bodyweight for males. 3/4 bodyweight for females.
12 Days Scaled
1 Kettlebell clean
2 pull-ups / ring rows
30 seconds double under practice
4 pike pushups
5 goblet squats
6 burpees over Kettlebell
7 knees to elbow / v ups
8 American Kettlebell swings
9 box jump overs / step overs
10 wall balls
11 Russian Kettlebell swings
12 Single Kettlebell thrusters
All kettlebell movements must be performed with the same kettlebell.